Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Happy Birthday!


I just turned to 28 years old on a few days before. Alhamdullillah.. Dah besar rupanya saya.. :D
I feel blest..with all accomplishment and all good things happen to me and my journey along this age..I feel so blest..

For me, age is only is a number that increasing from year to year. But how we drive our life throughout this number is the most important thing. Once again..alhamdulillah, I have a very good hubby, a wonderful family, an extraordinary 'kawan biasa' and a nice and kind friends includes my blogger friends of course :D

I don't need an extravaganza gifts but I will not refuse if someone would like to give me.hahaha..gila nak tolak hadiah best2.. :P tapi if someone ask me, what I want for my birthday gift..i don't want anything else, just doakan kebahagiaan kami husband and wife..supaya kami dapat apa yang paling kami nak along our marriage. saya tak nak apa2 long as your doa..already enough for me..

p.s dah dekat 30 tahun rupanya..kalau bundarkan dah 30 nie..aishhhh...